Sample of license to wholesale alcohol according to Decree 17/2020-ND-CP

Decree 17/2020-ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of contents in Decree 105/2017/ND-CP on alcohol trading. In particular, the regulations on liquor wholesale licenses are of great interest to many people. LYT Việt Nam would like to share with you the latest information about the License to wholesale alcohol according to Decree 17/2020-ND-CP:

Liquor wholesale license according to the latest regulations

According to Article 4 of Decree 105/2017/ND-CP as amended and supplemented by Decree 17/2020/ND-CP, traders who wholesale alcohol with an alcohol content of 5.5 degrees or more must have a license. The form of liquor wholesale license under Decree 17/2020-ND-CP is made according to form No. 05 attached to the decree.

Because alcohol trading is a conditional business, in order to ensure the necessary legal corridor, traders need to meet the conditions for wholesale alcohol if they want to apply for a liquor wholesale license. Specific conditions:

– Being an enterprise established in accordance with the law.

– Having a liquor wholesale system in the province or centrally run city, where the enterprise is headquartered with at least 01 alcohol retail trader. In case the enterprise has established a branch or a business location outside the head office to trade alcohol, the certification of the alcohol retail trader is not required.

– Having a written introduction or a contract in principle of a wine producer, alcohol distributor or other alcohol wholesaler.

In order to get a sample of a liquor wholesale license according to the latest Decree 17/2020-ND-CP, LYT Việt Nam VIETNAM would like to advise you on the fastest and most recent procedure for applying for a liquor wholesale license.

Components of documents when applying for a liquor wholesale license according to Decree 17/2020-ND-CP

The documents that your business needs to prepare include the following basic documents:

  • Documents proving the ownership of the warehouse (or warehouse lease contract) of the place to sell alcohol, retail alcohol and sell alcohol for on-site consumption (if any business) according to regulations
  • Contract, letter of confirmation/commitment + Retailer’s license
  • Contract + Liquor production/distribution/wholesale license of supplier
  • Principle contract, confirmation letter or commitment to join the wholesale system of retail traders
  • Liquor retail license of merchants who plan to join the wholesale system of the licensed enterprise
  • Announcement slip
  • Business License

These are the basic documents for businesses to prepare an application for a liquor wholesale license. From these documents, LYT Việt Nam will help your business prepare documents in accordance with regulations, for the fastest approval by the state agency!

The process of applying for a liquor wholesale license

In order to get the latest regulated alcohol wholesale license form, traders need to follow the following steps properly:

Step 1: After preparing all the required documents, the trader submits the application in person or by post or online to the licensing authority, which is the Department of Industry and Trade in the business area;

Step 2: Within 15 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers, competent state agencies shall consider, appraise and grant licenses to traders. In case of refusal, a written reply must be given clearly stating the reason.

In case there are not enough valid dossiers, within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossiers, the licensing agency must make a written request for supplementation.

Step 3: Issue a liquor wholesale license to the business or a written refusal stating the reason.

Note: The Department of Industry and Trade will conduct an appraisal of the business conditions at the establishment before granting the license according to regulations. Therefore, businesses need to carefully prepare facility conditions to meet the requirements of environment, food safety, fire prevention and fighting.

Contact the service of applying for a liquor wholesale license at LYT Việt Nam VIETNAM

Simple, fast and economical service for applying for a liquor wholesale license

If your business is looking for a service to apply for a liquor wholesale license, please contact LYT Việt Nam immediately for direct support in the fastest time.

LYT Việt Nam VIETNAM provides alcohol business license services including liquor wholesale license for businesses in Ho Chi Minh City. The process of LYT Việt Nam VIETNAM applying for a liquor wholesale license:

  • Consultation related to licensing
  • Drafting documents according to regulations
  • Submit application at the Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Follow up on application status updates
  • Receive license and hand it to customer

Please contact LYT Việt Nam via hotline 0916540904 – 0938106456 for the best service support advice.
