Apply for a Certificate of Free Sale (CFS); Food Export Certificate (CE) under the Ministry of Health

1. Certification authority

  • Food Department

2. Product object

  • Food for health protection, food for nutrition; bottled water; Natural mineral water; TP additives; processing aids

3. Customer profile to provide

  • Announcement slip
  • Product label template
  • Business License
  • Certificate of food safety eligibility

4. Work done by LYT Việt Nam

  • Consultation related to CFS certificate application
  • Drafting documents according to regulations
  • Submit application at Food Department
  • Follow up on profile status updates & get certificate, end of service

5. Implementation time

  • 5 – 7 days from the date of application

6. Fees and charges

  • Fee: 1,000,000 VND / product
  • Service fee: CONTACT

7. Effect

  • 2 years

8. Legal grounds

  • Law 55/2010/QH12
  • Decree 15/2018/ND-CP
  • Circular 279/2016/TT-BTC
  • Circular 52/2015/TT-BYT